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👁️ 갈아먹는 컴퓨터 비전

Image Classification

갈아먹는 Image Classification [1] Noisy Student

갈아먹는 Image Classification [2] Fixing the train-test resolution discrepancy

갈아먹는 Image Classification [3] MobilenetV1


Object Detection

갈아먹는 Object Detection [1] R-CNN

갈아먹는 Object Detection [2] Spatial Pyramid Pooling Network

갈아먹는 Object Detection [3] Fast R-CNN

갈아먹는 Object Detection [4] Faster R-CNN

갈아먹는 Object Detection [5] Yolo: You Only Look Once

갈아먹는 Object Detection [6] SSD: SIngle Shot Multibox Detector

갈아먹는 Object Detection [7] Feature Pyramid Network

갈아먹는 Object Detection [8] yolov2, yolo9000

갈아먹는 Object Detection [9] yolo v3


Image Segmentation

갈아먹는 Semantic Segmentation [1] Fully Convolutional Network


Face Detection

갈아먹는 Face Detection [1] MTCNN


Pose Estimation

갈아먹는 Pose Estimation [1] DeepPose: Human Pose Estimation via Deep Neural Networks

갈아먹는 Pose Estimation [2] Joint training of a convolutional network and a graphical model for human pose estimation